Steven D. Gross
Theatrical Design

Steven Gross began work at Castleton University as the head of the Technical Theater and Design program in the fall of 2007. He serves as the Technical Director for all Theater Arts productions, the resdent Scenic and Lighting Designer, and mentors student designers in the various design areas. Mr. Gross teaches courses in Stagecraft, Introduction to Theatrical Design, Scene Design, Lighting Design, Computer Aided Design, Scenic Painting, Stage Production, Stage Management, and Stage Rigging and Metal Work.
Prior to his work at Castleton, Mr. Gross served as the Performance Lab Supervisor for The University of South Carolina’s Lab Theater. During his time there he managed all the areas of theatrical production and mentored students in more than twenty productions including several original student works. While there he designed and oversaw the construction of the new design studio for computer and hand drafting classes.
Mr. Gross has worked with a number of professional organizations across the country including The Middlebury Actors Workshop in Vermont, The Glens Falls Community Theater, The Talking Band and La Mama Theater in New York, Trustus Theater in South Carolina, SEGUE Theater Group, New Directions Theater, and The Tennessee Valley Arts Association in Alabama. Mr. Gross is an active member of the United States Institute of Theater Technology and was selected to present his work at the USITT young designers forum in 2005. His theatre work has taken him to many locations including Prague, Stockholme, Austin, Los Angeles, and Toronto.
Mr. Gross holds a Bachelor’s in Theater from The University of North Alabama and a Master of Fine Arts in Scene Design from The University of South Carolina.